0800 453 274


Important Information

Custom Fleet NZ, trading as Custom Fleet (““we”’/”us”/”our””), welcomes you to this site.  We are a registered financial service provider and authorised motor vehicle trader under the Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003.


Nothing contained within this site constitutes an offer to enter into any legally binding contract. All our products, goods and services are provided to approved customers only and subject to credit and lending criteria and standard terms and conditions.

While we have taken reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this site is current, complete and correct, neither we nor any of our employees make any express or implied representation or give any warranties regarding the information contained in this site.  The information of this site may be out of date, incorrect and/or incomplete. We recommend that you seek independent advice before acting on any information contained in this site.

Subject to any applicable law which cannot be excluded and to all provisions implied by statute which cannot be excluded, we accept no responsibility for:

  1. any loss, damage, cost or expense whatsoever (whether direct or indirect) incurred by you as a result of any information contained within this site;
  2. any error, omission or misrepresentation in this site or any information obtain from this site; or
  3. any failure of us to provide this site.

Links to third party sites

There may be links to third party sites included in the information contained within this site. We will not accept any responsibility for the information contained in any such linked site or any liability for any loss or damage suffered by you (whether direct or indirect) from accessing, using or relying on the information contained in any such linked site or from trading with any third parties. The links to third party sites are included only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any such links does not imply that we endorse the linked sites or the products, goods or services offered on them, or that we have any association with the operators of such linked sites. We may prohibit links to this site and you must remove or cease any link to this site forthwith upon notice from us.

Governing law

These terms of use and the information which this site contains has been prepared in accordance with New Zealand law and relates to the supply of products, goods and services in New Zealand only. The information may not satisfy the laws of any other country. It is not directed at people in any other country and should not be relied on by people in any country other than New Zealand. The courts of New Zealand will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any proceedings relating to this website, its contents or these terms of use.

Amendments to these terms

These terms and conditions are in addition to and do not replace any other terms and conditions for our products, goods and services that you may be subject to. We reserve the right to amend these terms at any time in whole or in part with immediate effect upon posting the amended terms on this site. It is your responsibility to be aware of the latest terms of use. By accessing this site you agree to be bound by these terms as they appear on this site from time to time.

Intellectual property

This site and the information contained within this site are copyright @ Custom Fleet. We reserve all intellectual property rights except as expressly stated.

You may download a single copy of the information contained within this site only for your own personal or internal business use and, where necessary for its use as a reference, make a single hard copy. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1994 or other applicable laws, no part of this site may be otherwise reproduced, distributed, adapted, performed in public, transmitted or stored, in any form by any process (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by storage in an information retrieval system) without our specific written consent. In addition, you are not permitted to incorporate the information contained within this site, or any part of it, in any other work or publication (whether in hardcopy, electronic or other form) without our specific written consent.

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