0800 453 274


Why Lease?

Leasing gives your business the flexibility to add or upgrade vehicles or equipment suitable to your business requirements without using your capital upfront to purchase it.

  • Increase flexibility – you can upgrade the equipment or vehicle you are leasing every few years, subject to the terms of the lease agreement.
  • Preserve your cash flow – get new equipment or vehicles without making the large upfront outlay, freeing up capital to invest in other business activities.
  • Built in maintenance costs – depending on your lease option, the maintenance and running costs of the equipment or vehicle are included in the monthly lease payments.

Leasing – How it works

Our experienced team can help you tailor your lease requirements to best suit your business needs and offer flexibility to adapt your fleet. We give you choice;

At Custom Fleet we have a range of leasing options available to best suit your business needs.


With this option your business pays a set rental each month and at the end of the lease period you simply return the vehicle or equipment to us in good condition and in accordance with the terms of the lease. A Fully Maintained Operating Lease enables you to budget easier as it includes fleet costs such as: scheduled servicing, repairs, registration, tyres and accident management within the monthly rental.


This option enables your business to lease the vehicle or equipment for a specific term and pay the monthly installment, having agreed a residual value for the asset to apply at the end of the term. As the term comes to an end, you can make us an offer to purchase the vehicle or equipment or return it to us.

Sale &

A Sale and Leaseback solution can free up capital tied up in your fleet that you own or finance. With this option, we purchase your existing owned or financed vehicles or equipment, and then lease them back to you. This option can provide your business with an immediate cash injection and seamless changeover from ownership to leasing.


Our nEXT Lease option is a great short-term solution for your leasing requirements. We offer a wide range of previously leased vehicles and equipment under a fully maintained operating lease. This is an attractive offer if you are seeking an affordable solution as nEXT lease can help reduce up-front costs.

0800 435 338
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0800 453 274
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